Books published

Analysis of the life cycle of the built environment VGTU EN (prepared for publication)

Energy efficiency in engineering systems KSTU RU

Renewable energy KSTU RU

Smart built environment MSIU RU

Smart House MSIU RU

Sustainable Urban Design MGSU RU

Sustainable Real Estate Market Development BSTU RU

Sociological Methods Used for Sustainable Urban Development MGSU RU

Environmentally Sustainable Cities Development, NTU “KhPI” RU

Construction Materials for Sustainable Built Environment_YKSUG_RU

Construction Investments TUT EN

Green Built Environment MGSU RU

Project Management in Construction SPbSPU RU

Advanced Construction Materials SPbSPU RU

Energy Audit NTUU KPI RU

Human Safety, Natural and Technogenic Problems in the 21st Century NTUU KPI RU