Module handbooks

Construction lnvestments TUT EN
Construction Materials for Sustainable Built Environment YKSUG RU
Energy Audit NTUU KPI RU
Energy efficiency in engineering systems KSTU RU
Advanced Construction Technologies for Energy Efficient Buildings SPbSPU RU
Green Built Environment BSc MGSU EN
Green Built Environment MSc MGSU EN
lntegrated analysis of the life cycle of the built environment VGTU RU
Project Management in Construction and Construction Site Management SPbSPU RU
Renewable energy KSTU RU
Resilience Management USAL EN
Smart Built Environment MSIU RU
Smart House MSIU RU
Sociological Methods used for Sustainable Urban Development MGSU RU
Sustainable Urban Design MGSU RU

Environmentally Sustainable Cities Development NTU KhPI RU

Human Safety, Natural and Technogenic Problems in 21st Century NTUU KPI RU

Sustainable Real Estate Market Development BSTU RU​

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